Max-Easel Butler is an armature that attaches to your metal tripod easel providing arms on which to rest a box of art supplies or a shelf.
Company name: Easel Butler
Pochade box name: Max-Easel Butler™
Type: Palette Boxes/PanelSupport
Price range: below $50
Weight: 0.76lb, 0.35kg
Palette size: 18″x 24″, 45cm x 60cm (home made)
Construction: Aluminium
The Max-Easel Butler is under 14 inches or 35 cm in length, and 1.5 inches or 4 cm across the beam. This means it fits well into any nook or cranny when you are on the move.
The device attaches to any tripod and acts as a platform to support a larger palette.

Max-Easel Butler™

Make sure that the contact points at which it will rest onto your easel are not in conflict with any protruding appendages such as leg joints or center braces. Otherwise, custom adaptations can be made.
The maximum thickness of leg that Max can accommodate is under 1.25 in (3.2 cm). Narrower is not a problem as the natural tilt of a tripod allows for a level arm with the adjustment of the back leg. The device has been tried on easel legs as slim as 3/4 in (28mm) with success but it is important to keep in mind the weight load you are planning to use and the sturdiness of your easel.
Max’s arms extend out to a maximum of 12 in (30cm) but can be retracted to protrude as little as necessary. Any box sitting them can comfortably extend 2 or 3 inches (5 or 8 cm ) over the ends of the arms.
To mount Max, face the logo away from you and slide it down the two chosen legs until they make contact on both sides before inserting the arms. Some of its publicity shots show it straddling the easel with the logo toward the front. It makes no difference….it is very versatile.
How to set it up
See: Setup procedure
This is a home made palette. There are instructions on how to make it, and detailed plans for a gatorboard carrying case for it in the Virtual Art Academy Materials & Equipment series of eBooks.

To compare it with other plein air easels, see my Guide to Plein Air Easels.
To compare it with other pochade boxes, see my Guide to Pochade Boxes.
Reviews of Easel Butler
This is a brilliant design.
This is a brilliant design. It has to be the most weight efficient system you could engineer. In terms of my palette area to weight efficiency rating, it blows all other solutions out of the water. It might not be as quick and convenient to setup as some other systems because you need to fix… Read more “This is a brilliant design.”
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