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My Top 16 Female Artist Quotes In 2021

Frida Kahlo Self-portrait With Hummingbird and Thorn
Frida Kahlo Self-portrait With Hummingbird and Thorn

My Top 16 Female Artist Quotes

Really, I do not know whether my paintings are surrealist or not, but I do know that they are the frankest expression of myself.

— Frida Kahlo

They thought I was a Surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.

— Frida Kahlo

To paint is the most terrific thing that there is, but to do it well is very difficult.

— Frida Kahlo

I have never expected anything from my work but the satisfaction I could get from it by the very fact of painting and saying what I couldn’t say otherwise.

— Frida Kahlo

Georgia O'Keeffe Light Iris
Georgia O’Keeffe Light Iris

Objective painting is not good painting unless it is good in the abstract sense. A hill or tree cannot make a good painting just because it is a hill or tree. It is lines and colors put together so that they may say something.

— Georgia O’Keeffe

I know I cannot paint a flower. I cannot paint the sun on the desert on a bright summer morning, but maybe in terms of paint color I can convey to you my experience of the flower or the experience that makes the flower of significance to me at that particular time.

— Georgia O’Keeffe

Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things.

— Georgia O’Keeffe

Sometimes I start in a very realistic fashion, and as I go on from one painting to another of the same kind, it becomes simplified until it can be nothing but abstraction.

— Georgia O’Keeffe

Berthe Morisot Lady At Her Toilette
Berthe Morisot Lady At Her Toilette

I wear myself out trying to render the orange trees so that they’re not stiff but like those I saw by Botticelli in Florence. It’s a dream that won’t come true.

— Berthe Morisot

Cecilia Beaux Ernesta
Cecilia Beaux Ernesta

In my opinion the charm and magic of color is inseparable from substance; that is, from texture.

— Cecliia Beaux

The artist grips his idea and will not let it go until it has blessed him, as the angel blessed Jacob.

— Cecliia Beaux

Never was a word more abused than “Technique.” To many, “Technique” means the purely mechanical, material side of a work, something generally found to be hard, shiny, even vulgar. Just now, to be clumsy is to be admired. Indeed bungling is much in fashion now, in painting. And if one does not bungle naturally, one may easily learn how to do it from the initiated. But the true definition of “Technique” is very simple. A perfect technique in anything only means that there has been no break in continuity between conception, or thought, and the act of performance.

— Cecliia Beaux

Mary Cassatt Mother And Child (The_Goodnight_Hug)
Mary Cassatt Mother And Child (The_Goodnight_Hug)

If painting is no longer needed, it seems a pity that some of us are born into the world with such a passion for line and color.

— Mary Cassatt

Francoise Gilot Runaway Comet
Francoise Gilot Runaway Comet

I paint the way some people write their autobiography. The paintings, finished or not, are the pages of my journal, and as such they are valid. The future will choose the pages it prefers.

Françoise Gilot

Suzy Murphy When I Close My Eyes
Suzy Murphy When I Close My Eyes

I can become obsessed with every mark and brushstroke on the canvas. As if every mark is a note of music and they all have to come together to be coherent, like a symphonic composition – and then it will sing the song I want to sing.

Suzy Murphy

Perle Fine Summer I
Perle Fine Summer I

Color is always a motivation. Mixing color, you know, is a very joyous occupation for me because there was so much excitement at what would happen when one color was placed next to another…there was so much more than what came out of the tube.

Perle Fine

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