Morocco Episode 3: Marrakesh Taxi Rank

Virtual Art Academy®, Visual Music & Poetry℠, Ladder Of Learning℠, Spiral Of Learning℠, Structured Learning Experiences℠, Skill Building Blocks℠, and A University Experience℠ are service marks of Barry John Raybould. ©2021 Barry John Raybould
I loved reading this. I’ve been painting for years and have always felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and that I needed to sort out some kind of process that was more reliable. Reading this has made me realize that there isn’t one, for me at least! Thanks for that.
beautiful color
thank you Deborah!
A wonderful work, I love it, the abstractive brushstroke and the light and shadow impressived me most!!!
Well done Barry with such a complicated subject where everything is moving around and a lake starting out of the blue he he.:)