SharePin8EmailTweet8 SharesOn a recent painting trip to Montenegro, I was driven up into the Gluhi Do Mountains. The lighting on this day was very flat and I wasn’t sure I could make a painting out of it. Design...
SharePinEmailTweet0 Shares Value Finder A value finder is a tool to help you find the value (lightness or darkness) of a part of a scene you are painting. This is a commercial product called a Gray Scale And Value...
SharePin52EmailTweet52 Shares (Get free painting tips and plein air painting techniques sent straight to your inbox or on my social media.) Here is a demonstration of me painting a sunset in oils in the Peak District in...
SharePin10EmailTweet10 Shares (Get free painting tips and plein air painting techniques sent straight to your inbox or on my social media.) What is the Alla Prima Process? The basic alla prima painting approach is...
SharePin122EmailTweet122 Shares Oil Painting Demonstration Here is an oil painting demonstration of one of my larger studio paintings. I normally paint outdoors but sometimes I like to explore a composition in the...
SharePin12EmailTweet12 Shares Process The Process Building Block covers the step-by-step mechanical procedures of creating a painting. I have put these course units into a separate Building Block because, whereas all...