Virtual Art Academy

Concept: Why You Need Both Visual Music and Visual Poetry To Make Your Work Stand Out

Visual Music and Poetry Model

This is a package of all the six eBooks in the Virtual Art Academy® Building Block™ about critiquing art: Concept and Visual Music & Poetry®.

When you learn to become aware of the poetry in a painting you will begin to see paintings in a new light. You will also start to understand why certain master paintings in museums are considered a masterpiece. It is this element of poetry in addition to the music of a painting that distinguishes a master painter. When you master the ideas in the Concept course unit, your paintings will start to communicate much more emotion and feeling, and come to life. They will become much more meaningful.

The discussion in our Visual Music & Poetry® course is at the highest level of painting and can only be appreciated when you have a feel for each of the nine Building Blocks. However I think if you are an absolute beginner you need to understand these main ideas right away so that you know how to evaluate paintings when you see them in galleries or on the internet. As you progress through the program, this topic will become clearer and clearer

Course Unit 1 – Types Of Concepts

Emotional – aesthetic – descriptive – narrative – complex – message

Course Unit 2 – Creating A Concept

Subordination – relationship – emphasis – concept simplification – exaggeration – choosing subject matter – developing a style – creating a concept

Course Unit 3 – Visual Music & Poetry Model

Five components of the visual music and poetry model – pure naturalism to pure abstraction – making poetry and music work together – far and near music

Course Unit 4 – Visual Music & Poetry Master Critiques

Critiques of 16 old master paintings – learning from the top old masters – critiqued according to the Visual Music and Poetry Model.

Course Unit 5 – Visual Music & Poetry Student Critiques

Critiques of 12 student paintings – critiqued according to the Visual Music and Poetry Model.

Course Unit 6 – Visual Music & Poetry Art History

Art periods since 500AD – level of visual music and poetry in each period – artists working in each period.
