Apprentice Program Year Three Online Painting Class
This painting class contains a total of 48 painting lessons. In these online painting lessons, you will learn essential drawing techniques to help you draw more difficult subjects and avoid the most common drawing problems, such as perspective and ellipses.
You will learn how to get emotion in your work that will help make your work stand out and give you more satisfaction in creating it.
And we will explore the subtleties of important landscape elements such as skies and clouds.
We will continue our study of the critical subject of Notan and introduce you to more complex ideas that will further strengthen your work.
In composition we will explore important topics such as rhythm, repeating color spots, guiding lights and darks and other key techniques for making your compositions engaging.
The most comprehensive, in depth and well-organized painting course available online

After a thorough research, my personal conclusion is that the Virtual Art Academy (VAA) is, by wide margin, the most comprehensive, in depth and well-organized painting course available in the internet. Unlike most tutorials and color mixing recipes commonly found online, VAA’s philosophy is rather to provide the students with detailed information about all aspects of painting – color theory, brushwork, drawing, composition, techniques, materials – in an organized manner, in a way to allow for short-term improvements while optimizing the learning curve throughout the course. And, while the VAA curriculum, by itself, is already among the most valuable literature about art one can find (both online or offline) – for its depth and comprehensiveness –, the online platform adds a lot more to the learning experience, since the exchange in information and experience with other students is of immense help. Finally, what is most unique about the VAA, in my opinion, is that its creator Barry J. Raybould not only has a successful career as an artist himself – with an economic style and distinguished understanding of color – but he was also able to distill his own knowledge and experience into an accessible and effective method (as can be proven by the works of some of his earlier students). If you are serious about learning art and (as was my case) can’t enroll formal art schools, I would say there’s zero chance you will regret joining the VAA. In fact, I truly believe that, in the centuries to come, people will still learn to paint through Barry’s method.
The Apprentice Program Curriculum: Year Two Painting Class
Here is a complete list of all the online painting lessons in year three of our structured four-year Apprentice Program painting course. You get four workshops with 12 painting lessons in each workshop: 48 painting lessons in total.
The colored boxes represent the ten building skill Building Blocks™ of our structured curriculum. For example, the blue 2 box is the second part of the 6 parts of our Drawing skill Building Block™.
Join the Virtual Art Academy Today