Apprentice Program Year Two Online Painting Class
This painting class contains a total of 48 lessons. In these classes, you will learn the two most important techniques you need to know about to create great compositions: contrast and organizational structures. We also go into the important topic of Notan in much more depth, covering many advanced notan design techniques you will not find in other books on Notan.
You will expand your knowledge of color, learning about the different palettes you can use to accelerate your learning, and to get the most beautiful color harmonies.
We also start to develop your knowledge of brushwork to add interest and vitality to your paintings, as well as expand your knowledge of drawing technique.
An important topic we introduce in this program is how to develop a concept for your painting: the emotional, narrative, and descriptive aspects of a painting that are the key elements that raise it from a mere illustration to fine art.
Barry gave me a fishing rod so I can catch my own fish

After weeks and even months of searching YouTube, “googling” and spending a fortune on art instructional books I finally came across the Virtual Art Academy®. When it comes to purchasing online I am always very careful how I spend my money. Especially when I already spent a small fortune on art books. They always seemed great: presenting wonderful tutorials – and beautiful colorful paintings as a result. You then tend to think you will be able to create something equally beautiful after completing particular tutorial. Unfortunately not the case! I discovered that these tutorials only gave me the fish, not the fishing rod. Barry gave me a fishing rod so I can catch my own fish. The course is well planned, the lessons are clear. Simple. And I can always repeat the assignment as much as I want. And that’s what I was looking for. It opens one’s mind. It opens my eyes to all aspects of art. I see now the scene I want to paint and I think of values, preparation for the notan painting, colour. I can plan how I want to paint the scene or portrait. It’s brilliant. What I really like about Virtual Art Academy is that it takes it all apart and puts it back together. Starts from scratch, comes back to basics. It gives a fantastic foundation. It does what it says on the tin.
The Apprentice Program Curriculum: Year Two Painting Class
Here is a complete list of all the online painting lessons in year two of our structured four-year Apprentice Program painting course. You get four workshops with 12 painting lessons in each workshop: 48 painting lessons in total.
The colored boxes represent the ten building skill Building Blocks™ of our structured curriculum. For example, the violet 4 box is the second part of the 6 parts of our Notan skill Building Block™.
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